Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢


Overall Last 21 days
Battles 1 0
Win rate 100%
Super Unicum
- -
Personal Rating (PR)
Next level: Very Good (+143)
1 407
- -
Battles survived 0% - -
Average battle values
Damage 28 965 - -
Destroyed warships 0 - -
Aircraft Destroyed 0 - -
Experience 964 - -
Kills / deaths 0 - -
Tier 6 - -
Warships stats by type (PR)
Destroyer - - -
Aircraft Carrier - - -
Battleship - - -
Next level: Very Good (+143)
1 407
- -
Submarine - - -
Warships stats by type (Win rate)
Destroyer - - -
Aircraft Carrier - - -
Battleship - - -
Cruiser 100%
Super Unicum
- -
Submarine - - -
User profile on World of Warships page

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Win rate
Personal Rating (PR)
Average Damage
Avg. experience
Battles per month
Battles per week
Warship Types
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Warships stats by type

Battles Win rate PR Avg. frags Avg. damage Avg. planes destroyed Max. frags Maximum damage Max. planes destroyed
Cruiser 1 100% 1 407 0 28 965 0 28 965
Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)

Warships stats by tier

Tier Battles Win rate PR Avg. frags Avg. damage Avg. planes destroyed Max. frags Maximum damage Max. planes destroyed
VI 1 100% 1 407 0 28 965 0 28 965
Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)


28 965
Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)
Destroyed warships
Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)
Aircraft Destroyed
Warships spotted
Damage upon spotting
15 414
Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)

Ranked Battles

Battles Win rate Sprint Rank Best rank
The Sixteenth Season 233 60.52% Sprint 3 6 5 Details
Sprint 2 6 6
Sprint 1 7 7
The Fifteenth Season 275 61.82% Sprint 4 4 4 Details
Sprint 3 6 5
Sprint 2 5 5
Sprint 1 6 6


Warship Tier Nation Battles Win rate PR Average Damage Avg. frags Avg. planes destroyed
{{$index+1}} {{ship.ship.name}} {{ship.ship.tier}} {{ship.ship.nationName}} {{ship.battles}} {{ship.win_rate}} {{ship.rating}} {{ship.average_damage}} {{ship.average_frags}} {{ship.average_planes_killed}} Details