Members count | 45 |
Active members count | 25 |
Personal Rating (PR) | 1 696 |
Average Win rate | 58.49% |
Average Damage | 62 930 |
Clan strength - Total | 66 |
Clan strength - Clan battles | 88 |
Clans leaderboard | |
Win rate | 53 |
Average Damage | 116 |
Personal Rating (PR) | 61 |
Strength: Total | 49 |
Strength: Clan battles | 35 |
Clan strength | |
Cruisers | 88 |
Aircraft carriers | 49 |
Destroyers | 90 |
Battleships | 81 |
Submarines | 24 |
Total | 66 |
Clan battles | 88 |
About strength |
08.12.2024 |
[CSN] CZ/SK Navy
07.12.2024 | Vosa_WalMez | |
07.12.2024 | Karl_von_Bahnhof_ | |
07.12.2024 | Smil_Flek_z_Nohavic | |
30.10.2024 |
[TF-38] Task Force 38
more |
Allies |
[POFF] We play only for fun [ADRIA] Adriatic Armada [GURKA] Gurkhas - the Best from Nepal Go to Diving School [CMK] Česko-Moravská Kriegsmarine |
Destroyers 491 | Cruisers 693 |
Battleships 524 | Aircraft carriers 139 |
Submarines 57 |
Player | Role | Battles | Win rate | PR | Avg. damage | Max. damage | Rank | Strength CA |
Strength CV |
Strength DD |
Strength BB |
Strength Total |
Strength Clan battles |
X tier warships |