Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

Klan lider tablosu

  • Minimum 15 clan members
  • All clan members with visible account
  • Minimum 500 of average battles per clan member

Klan Üye Sayısı Aktif üye sayısı Kazanma oranı PR Ortalama Hasar Kuvvet Toplam Kuvvet Klan Savaşları
1 [A_R_D] Serial Sinkers 20 14 63.62% 2 505 21 143 7 12
2 [MOYAI] Moy Muly 19 13 65.15% 2 342 94 204 72 100
3 [JURGN] JÜRGEN IS A MINDSET 15 11 64% 2 338 75 124 49 71
4 [GRKEN] Genesis Raptoris International Clan 16 7 66.12% 2 216 84 971 61 92
5 [KSX] Kill Steal Xcommunicado 20 10 62.35% 2 167 75 132 31 56
6 [OM-S] Odem Mortis - Spielerfrauen 20 1 63.42% 2 123 70 721 48 77
7 [YOBOY] Yo Boy! 44 38 63.77% 2 078 84 000 85 100
8 [SURI4] Les suricates 30 25 60.9% 2 061 89 481 74 100
9 [AAO-X] Against All Odds - eXtraordinary 28 4 62.87% 2 050 69 669 47 72
10 [ROGUE] Ne'er-do-well knaves. 28 8 61.37% 2 029 74 081 61 89
11 [AA0] Against all 0dds 18 17 63.2% 2 017 80 669 78 95
12 [A7] The A -Team 37 30 63.63% 1 997 81 995 80 100
13 [TORAZ] Tora Tora Tora Z 22 17 62.21% 1 989 72 874 67 89
14 [KEY] VISUAL ARTS (Tencent腾讯) 35 14 62.7% 1 981 88 084 68 89
15 [SUNWU] SunWukong 25 23 59.93% 1 948 77 186 79 96
16 [NG-NL] No Gu No Life 33 8 61.81% 1 946 82 793 54 78
17 [-EUL-] Eul-staff 19 9 61.31% 1 940 97 081 61 75
18 [TEMP] Templer 40 11 60.21% 1 924 69 640 68 92
19 [GGAN] Good game, Alpha Non-combustible! 20 11 59.19% 1 910 74 812 61 76
20 [NW_DE] Nordwind 47 43 60.94% 1 903 74 769 76 98
21 [HYDRO] poor mans radar 15 5 60.47% 1 888 63 422 46 72
22 [BUSHI] Samurai Warriors of the Sea 38 15 59.69% 1 872 69 202 56 86
23 [GRAY] 50 shades of RNG 24 20 60.44% 1 866 71 629 74 93
23 [3P] 3 PLAYER IN A TEAM 23 8 59.67% 1 866 86 428 59 81
25 [FAME] Not a Big Deal. 26 16 58.98% 1 857 66 235 46 67
26 [UNJOY] Not Funny! 44 24 60.38% 1 850 74 073 72 99
27 [RFF] Rebuild Friendship and Faith 30 13 62.7% 1 847 84 060 65 83
28 [-VIS-] Vis Unita Fortior 26 10 58.88% 1 843 72 640 55 78
29 [DELCV] Delete CV 21 14 59.51% 1 832 74 303 57 77
30 [_IRN_] Italian Royal Navy 37 17 59.99% 1 819 76 101 78 97
31 [AA7] A7 31 26 60.1% 1 808 75 654 70 94
32 [SINC] Shipwreck-Incorporated 42 14 57.65% 1 802 63 660 56 88
33 [RO-RN] ROMANIAN ROYAL NAVY 47 26 58.84% 1 799 73 258 71 95
34 [VPM] Vis per Mare - Die Macht der See 36 32 61.81% 1 792 71 110 78 97
35 [ORCA] ORCA 40 29 58.86% 1 782 72 372 74 97
36 [D-P-B] Dont Push Back 24 10 59.48% 1 772 68 551 59 84
37 [KTS] Victoria Nobis Vita 27 7 57.64% 1 770 66 317 56 81
38 [CALM] CALM 15 4 59.23% 1 769 60 647 49 68
39 [FHUGS] Free Hugs!!! competitive... 21 8 58.37% 1 763 63 417 49 69
40 [OW_DE] Ostwind 50 34 57.83% 1 741 67 549 65 86
41 [YU_ZU] Yuzu_Soft 39 18 58.44% 1 737 82 306 67 90
42 [ADRIA] Adriatic Armada 43 25 58.72% 1 733 64 491 63 90
42 [WIDMO] Latający Holender 17 8 56.32% 1 733 71 744 68 82
44 [CMWR] Cmoknij Mnie W Rufę 47 47 57.82% 1 731 71 906 79 98
45 [REACH] Reaching for Victory 33 28 59% 1 730 75 324 72 92
46 [PIXIV] ピクシブ 19 3 59.3% 1 729 84 562 52 70
47 [-BHT-] Blue Homeland Turkey 22 10 58.35% 1 724 76 390 62 81
48 [TS125] TS125 15 13 54.28% 1 722 37 568 15 10
49 [BLITZ] & DONNER 28 9 58.16% 1 719 64 983 62 84
50 [FRAC] Les FRACs 37 28 58.61% 1 716 67 920 64 87
51 [NACL] NaCl 23 3 58.07% 1 715 59 547 46 67
52 [SWYD] See What you`ve Done! 16 0 59.23% 1 708 62 138 49 73
53 [CAG] Classis Augusta Germanica 23 5 58.78% 1 702 63 415 53 80
54 [TF06] the famille 20 8 56.01% 1 699 60 624 35 54
55 [IDDQD] - Immortals - 45 24 58.5% 1 695 62 959 64 88
56 [SS4F] Set Sail For Fail 17 1 65.21% 1 693 57 397 36 51
56 [-MMI-] Marina Militare Italiana 15 3 58.48% 1 693 65 230 56 81
58 [SEAT] Nauti Buoy 28 25 56.41% 1 679 67 644 61 87
59 [PN4VY] Potato Navy Clan 19 5 56.44% 1 674 67 739 47 67
59 [WORTH] When Only Real Tactics Help 29 27 58.55% 1 674 73 022 73 87
61 [BOTES] Bravo Oscar Tango Echo Sierra 17 3 59.05% 1 671 55 287 38 53
62 [GLORY] DEATH-OR-GLORY LEGION 21 8 57.21% 1 665 61 131 46 66
63 [BEZOS] SIMPLY THE BOSS 32 22 55.24% 1 661 56 530 19 21
64 [-YGM-] Yokusuka Girls Martitime High School 横須賀女子海洋アカデミー 15 6 58.53% 1 659 79 713 45 62
65 [SPRB] Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE 20 8 58.28% 1 657 77 980 44 56
66 [NMA] No Mangoes Allowed 40 20 58.64% 1 656 66 071 64 92
67 [TSUN] Pravda Tsundora Kantai 26 15 57.58% 1 655 63 491 62 85
68 [-WB-] WarBoats 25 17 58.67% 1 654 64 765 61 85
69 [SURIA] La famille Suricates 35 21 56.39% 1 653 70 570 68 91
70 [2OP] Double Overpen 24 3 60.12% 1 641 56 433 45 68
70 [JG4] Jagdgeschwader 4 23 14 57.69% 1 641 64 179 54 74
72 [PONY] PONYHOF - Life is not all guns and roses. 41 27 57.66% 1 640 65 370 61 86
73 [NCOTS] Naval Command Of The Sea 41 31 56.83% 1 638 68 658 68 93
74 [IGNIS] IGNIS 19 17 57.55% 1 635 63 413 53 67
75 [1DSF] 1. Deutsche Schlachtflotte 28 15 56.31% 1 628 66 284 60 81
75 [P-W-C] Postrzeleni w Cytadele 41 39 57.49% 1 628 66 739 76 93
77 [TF16] .Task Force 16. 15 10 56.77% 1 627 62 506 47 67
78 [FU5O] Fluffy Unicorn Sea Organization 43 37 58.46% 1 620 65 807 71 86
79 [L_B_F] Les Baguettes Faucheuses 22 10 54.78% 1 618 70 053 59 77
80 [-SBG-] -Schweizer Brigade- 37 33 57.54% 1 614 64 641 64 88
81 [DOVE] panzer is romantics of otaku 50 30 56.88% 1 612 71 750 68 86
82 [PION] Pion~~ 32 17 55.98% 1 610 69 779 42 53
83 [FOF] Fleet of Fog 29 8 58.73% 1 607 58 017 54 77
83 [OMO] (..•˘_˘•..)颜文字舰队OMO分舰队 OMO Naval Fleet Training Base 43 12 56.7% 1 607 70 999 53 71
85 [VICE] ONLY FOR US!!! ΜΕΓΓΕΝΗ!! FIGHT ACADEMY!!! 44 26 55.9% 1 603 61 508 58 85
86 [PWWC] Postrzeleni Wielorako W Cytadelę 32 20 56.3% 1 600 63 655 64 83
87 [CPT] Captain 17 2 56.37% 1 597 55 290 42 54
88 [R-BUL] --Red Bull-- 17 15 56.39% 1 596 64 961 60 68
89 [PP-PP] Potato Power - Peak Performance 18 6 55.43% 1 591 62 726 45 67
90 [GNG] Greek Naval Group 26 13 56.75% 1 585 62 645 56 82
91 [PJSK] Project Sekai//Ego et Absolvo/Original BVKRN 15 9 56.28% 1 581 83 453 59 72
92 [LIGA] The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 45 20 55.12% 1 580 62 471 58 78
93 [MR] Mahjong Room 49 27 57.31% 1 578 71 291 76 92
94 [WJP] We are just people 15 11 54.4% 1 575 56 511 39 50
95 [IDEAL] IDEAL 15 0 57.05% 1 571 45 790 32 29
95 [SHARC] SHipscrapping_&_Recycling_Corporation 27 4 54.92% 1 571 57 909 35 54
97 [GOFER] GOFERY 4 LIFE 15 2 57.39% 1 570 53 454 33 46
98 [DAVY] Davy Jones' Locker 29 21 57.33% 1 566 63 982 57 79
99 [ATZE] Atzes Technisch Zielbewusste Eimer 48 28 55.65% 1 565 63 986 57 85
100 [BRO3R] a group of cloud playerr 50 32 55.94% 1 564 80 708 70 86