Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢


Tier V
Type Cruiser
Nation U.S.S.R.
Cost in gold 3 000
USS Milwaukee (CL-5), the second of ten Omaha-class cruisers, was laid down in 1918. She served in the U.S. Pacific Fleet and patrolled the Caribbean Sea. After the U.S. entered World War II, the ship was made flagship of the 2nd Cruiser Division in the Atlantic Ocean. On April 20, 1944, the cruiser was transferred to the Soviet Navy and renamed Murmansk. Until the end of the war, Murmansk covered Allied convoys. In 1949, she was returned to the U.S.

  • Damage Control Party
  • Hydroacoustic Search
  • Spotting Aircraft


Configuration: Top
Main Battery Hull Torpedoes Gun Fire Control System Engine
152 mm/53 Mk.12 on a Mk.16/Mk13 mount
152 mm/53 Mk.12 on a Mk.16/Mk13 mount
GFCS V mod. 1
GFCS V mod. 1
Propulsion: 90,000 hp
Propulsion: 90,000 hp


Survivability 34
Artillery 66
Torpedoes 15
AA Defense 46
Maneuverability 62
Concealment 58

Statistics of same tier and type warships

Nation Battles Win rate Avg. frags Avg. damage Avg. experience Avg. planes destroyed Kills / deaths
Kirov U.S.S.R. 689 785 52.67 % 0.65 29 856 1 004 0.75 0.93
Mikoyan U.S.S.R. 355 536 50.89 % 0.53 22 975 964 0.98 0.72
Krasny Krym U.S.S.R. 283 505 52.11 % 0.64 26 117 1 025 1.24 0.94
Yahagi Japan 231 657 53.23 % 0.66 25 798 1 055 1.56 0.98
Genova Italy 350 192 51.54 % 0.62 25 741 1 079 1.29 0.86
Exeter U.K. 464 888 54.71 % 0.74 29 296 1 161 3.03 1.17
Rattlehead U.S.A. 5 829 56.21 % 0.97 34 829 1 340 0.37 1.61
Kotovsky U.S.S.R. 609 806 49.58 % 0.50 22 097 915 0.87 0.69
Agano Japan 318 761 49.71 % 0.61 21 595 889 1.17 0.83
Hawkins U.K. 739 080 50.01 % 0.50 21 346 921 2.18 0.71
Chungking Pan-Asia 200 565 50.35 % 0.58 21 796 942 2.09 0.83
La Argentina Pan-America 198 957 50.95 % 0.74 25 308 972 1.53 1.04
Galicia Spain 176 525 49.29 % 0.61 23 213 915 0.50 0.83
Raimondo Montecuccoli Italy 1 070 119 51.15 % 0.57 23 717 982 2.31 0.86
Celebes The Netherlands 336 519 51.50 % 0.63 26 806 1 001 1.43 0.96
Königsberg Germany 9 283 012 50.51 % 0.61 24 070 894 0.55 0.87
Émile Bertin France 3 305 572 52.35 % 0.64 26 089 922 1.31 0.92
Emerald U.K. 3 207 901 49.39 % 0.57 19 654 861 0.72 0.77
Marblehead Lima U.S.A. 156 154 53.08 % 0.70 28 430 1 141 0.39 1.04
Marblehead U.S.A. 825 334 52.81 % 0.71 27 905 1 044 0.31 1.00
Delhi Commonwealth 126 938 51.16 % 0.77 27 378 1 061 2.46 1.20
Furutaka Japan 6 170 238 50.05 % 0.55 21 632 873 0.63 0.78
Omaha U.S.A. 8 657 967 49.97 % 0.62 23 960 905 0.91 0.85
Murmansk U.S.S.R. 2 614 036 52.79 % 0.80 30 460 1 067 1.23 1.19


Minimum battles: 20
Player Battles PR Win rate Avg. frags Max. frags Avg. damage Max. damage Avg. experience Max. experience Avg. planes destroyed Max. planes destroyed
1 [JURGN] Laintim3 20 5 234 100% 2.9 6 96 797 156 623 2 770 3 583 0.4 8
2 [RUAXU] Eintagsfliege_133580176 30 4 076 70% 2.23 7 82 067 186 289 2 381 3 795 2.33 13
3 [AIM] AidenTaan 25 4 052 76% 2.8 5 72 814 109 298 2 278 3 545 1.24 9
4 P_W_Tordenskiold 180 4 000 75.56% 2.25 7 77 681 157 870 2 218 4 053 2.26 23
5 Gobodgero 344 3 999 74.71% 2.53 8 74 879 171 876 2 016 4 857 3.25 24
6 [OHBOY] LappenOnTour 20 3 934 85% 1.9 4 78 080 124 315 2 220 3 573 1.35 18
7 FalsePromise 211 3 912 73.93% 2.26 7 75 892 209 749 2 218 4 439 1.83 16
8 [WG-A] Le_razrabotchique 20 3 870 60% 2.45 4 76 180 149 076 2 291 3 860 2.4 10
9 [PAFOS] Cklifan 73 3 852 72.6% 2.26 6 74 415 145 671 2 184 3 888 2.3 15
10 [TTTX] Longy221 185 3 800 79.46% 2.09 6 73 935 154 647 2 099 4 182 2.09 19
11 marq 43 3 797 79.07% 2.37 6 70 636 109 379 2 152 3 605 2.49 13
12 [WYW] Battletank773 22 3 782 72.73% 2.23 5 73 459 149 947 2 248 3 587 1.91 7
13 [-TWA-] FyreStrike 94 3 711 75.53% 2.23 7 70 509 188 198 2 157 4 289 1.64 11
14 [-TWA-] strangers123 25 3 709 80% 1.84 5 73 911 128 447 2 178 3 599 3.92 21
15 [FLEUR] Dark_Side_Of_Me 86 3 659 77.91% 2.44 6 66 147 145 693 2 109 3 710 3.62 24
16 [WG] Crysantos 381 3 655 75.59% 1.97 7 72 512 203 310 2 039 4 584 1.85 17
16 [THEM] DrWeb777_13230889 191 3 655 75.39% 2.16 8 70 416 159 458 2 068 4 295 2.74 25
18 [THEM] __Fairy 329 3 627 75.08% 2.09 7 70 540 185 352 1 848 4 221 2.46 22
19 [ONES] Zbutawiezdza 22 3 616 50% 2.05 6 76 552 181 736 1 986 4 097 3.05 20
20 Mashinori 187 3 614 68.45% 2.1 7 71 729 199 641 1 900 4 557 1.89 18
21 Teylo95 82 3 598 69.51% 2.4 7 67 544 144 580 2 009 4 305 2.63 14
22 [RNM] MefGF 87 3 544 66.67% 2.22 9 68 604 168 459 2 005 4 344 2.01 16
23 [ROGUE] Thessius 24 3 529 66.67% 2.08 5 70 190 113 315 1 443 2 363 0.96 5
24 [P34RL] reklumi94 185 3 525 69.73% 2.01 8 70 250 169 856 1 995 4 392 1.72 21
25 [MOUT] Olek1264 27 3 504 81.48% 2 4 66 766 136 779 2 282 3 426 2.37 14
26 _FTD_ 215 3 503 79.53% 2 7 67 051 152 537 1 989 3 692 1.49 16
27 [SCRUB] suppenkaschperl 325 3 491 70.15% 2.13 8 67 908 171 609 1 947 4 512 2.2 19
28 rvfharrier 94 3 487 79.79% 1.77 5 69 620 137 610 1 985 3 902 2.01 14
29 [R_R] toncek3 72 3 478 76.39% 2.11 6 65 874 184 969 2 046 4 793 2.12 14
30 ChromeEagle 188 3 472 70.21% 1.94 7 69 591 157 009 1 974 4 349 1.67 14
30 _Ezio_ 29 3 472 72.41% 2.21 8 65 971 159 798 1 943 3 930 2.14 13
32 Carrier_Zuikaku 182 3 449 73.63% 2.16 8 65 329 196 129 1 983 5 360 1.91 27
33 [DIY] Nowox 91 3 445 73.63% 2.11 7 66 124 128 651 1 975 3 906 1.91 13
34 [COAST] DonZitadello 44 3 443 81.82% 1.91 7 67 133 128 448 2 230 3 617 1.93 15
35 [-TWR-] stuntmies 29 3 440 65.52% 1.34 5 76 789 150 385 1 379 2 840 1.21 6
36 DeleRT_ 172 3 433 70.35% 2.09 7 66 431 179 465 2 027 4 556 3.24 19
37 [MORIA] Durin_VI 23 3 430 69.57% 1.96 5 69 241 135 149 2 093 3 721 2.57 26
38 [PUMBA] MAXIMUS1604 33 3 425 66.67% 2.3 6 64 728 158 131 1 932 3 614 2.39 15
39 [NL_NL] ninxi 229 3 419 74.24% 2.06 6 66 622 179 801 2 040 4 506 2.13 26
40 [B000M] TheBig_Lebowski 102 3 414 75.49% 1.96 7 66 473 167 449 1 942 3 552 2.54 17
41 [EIER] SickBreAkz 178 3 393 70.22% 2.05 8 66 276 160 340 1 750 4 619 1.65 17
42 NeuralinkMonkey 231 3 388 71.86% 2.08 9 65 120 161 164 1 968 4 373 1.51 12
43 [AONO] AlexTheShark 61 3 373 77.05% 2.33 8 60 848 168 846 2 002 4 790 2.9 23
44 Mindfulcrane07 45 3 362 73.33% 1.78 5 67 641 136 767 1 852 3 314 1.53 8
45 Koerperklaus84 339 3 358 76.7% 1.96 8 64 919 179 558 1 583 3 725 1.37 14
46 [P1NGU] PrivatePinguin 45 3 356 80% 2.02 5 63 288 110 893 2 033 3 444 1.33 9
47 [LETME] Spoksinator 84 3 355 66.67% 2.27 6 63 594 126 532 1 880 3 545 2.25 17
47 [B000M] Captain_Glue_Bottle 337 3 355 68.84% 2.15 8 64 498 163 179 1 468 3 749 1.79 15
49 [FLEUR] Kawaii_Neko_Kun_4356773 251 3 346 72.11% 1.97 6 65 541 155 193 1 848 3 786 2.49 32
50 [CTREB] krpi 163 3 322 68.1% 1.98 8 65 903 178 215 1 826 4 200 1.69 13
50 [PLSKV] BadPreacher_11455721 207 3 322 73.91% 2.04 8 63 720 163 325 1 768 4 212 3.36 25
52 [QQQQQ] testuser4534 26 3 311 57.69% 1.46 4 74 071 143 172 1 177 2 369 2 13
53 ASdesAS42 763 3 302 70.9% 2.05 8 63 607 193 856 1 952 4 565 1.57 21
54 Garrisan_ 242 3 301 71.9% 2.26 7 61 106 155 819 1 748 4 206 2.64 17
55 [WUNP] Queen_Annes_Revenge2072 25 3 288 68% 1.88 6 66 077 163 062 1 999 3 594 1.92 22
56 [BAZI] allufewig 316 3 284 70.89% 1.84 7 65 444 158 535 1 992 4 593 1.74 16
57 Sexybier 30 3 283 76.67% 1.9 5 63 665 131 916 1 817 2 987 1.2 9
58 [1160] RubbelDieKatz 120 3 282 79.17% 2.09 6 60 859 137 855 1 961 3 347 2.17 14
59 _Eksis_ 104 3 278 66.35% 2.18 7 62 745 130 426 2 002 4 085 2.69 18
60 [-VN-] KPV_Official 35 3 277 80% 2.06 7 60 897 125 215 1 903 3 569 1.23 6
61 [QTANG] skoczek9m 267 3 276 71.54% 1.99 7 63 760 162 345 1 865 4 169 2.09 15
62 [-TWA-] Triodar 33 3 270 75.76% 2.09 5 61 392 122 476 2 043 4 485 1.45 6
63 [ALN] punisher82 568 3 256 77.46% 1.76 7 64 326 179 920 1 962 3 998 1.99 24
64 [BDALK] Ramone666 203 3 250 73.4% 1.85 7 64 264 173 239 1 815 3 642 1.7 18
65 [OM] Imperatore_of_Chaos 476 3 245 70.17% 2.08 8 62 249 163 421 1 788 4 391 1.8 17
66 [SMILE] sivrus_18329116 85 3 238 80% 1.94 6 61 290 137 268 1 887 3 251 2.74 20
67 [XATA] Zbagoin 334 3 231 70.36% 1.87 9 64 104 163 896 1 923 4 247 1.86 14
67 Xogajuk 145 3 231 71.72% 1.92 6 63 415 169 235 1 350 2 671 2.22 16
69 [ABWER] Smanders 270 3 224 72.59% 2.08 7 60 857 154 043 1 954 3 887 2.72 17
70 Garanthor 463 3 222 70.19% 1.99 8 62 651 233 941 1 381 3 416 2.41 30
71 [KMD] Team170 122 3 221 70.49% 1.72 6 65 725 153 687 1 949 3 975 2.49 26
72 [KY1V] Valhalla_Ragnarock 68 3 218 61.76% 2.15 6 62 827 220 589 1 895 3 518 1.6 8
73 [DKP] FlashBack1999 52 3 212 73.08% 1.81 7 63 745 146 167 2 168 3 845 1.87 14
74 suj0 43 3 209 72.09% 1.79 4 64 176 152 276 2 022 3 731 1.6 7
74 [BMD] KimTheDane 267 3 209 67.04% 1.96 6 63 479 172 909 1 894 4 227 1.58 13
76 [SCRUB] Spreadsheetequalsfun 263 3 208 71.48% 2 7 61 862 188 683 1 849 4 014 2.02 17
77 Mypy3y 256 3 204 74.61% 1.84 6 62 835 174 274 1 907 3 651 1.92 17
78 [G3NTZ] WgPlsNerfMyFire 93 3 203 70.97% 1.63 6 66 061 173 413 1 815 3 960 0.84 13
79 CheZDa 118 3 198 72.03% 1.85 8 63 231 175 264 1 823 4 155 2.25 20
80 [PTS] Ar4iFUL 195 3 197 74.36% 1.9 7 62 120 166 063 1 766 4 074 1.44 16
81 [HEG] Tigerdavid 30 3 195 66.67% 1.73 4 65 856 123 586 1 761 3 084 1.9 17
82 [-VIS-] MettewG4T 50 3 193 82% 1.56 6 64 107 174 713 1 990 4 142 2.54 18
83 Izir 97 3 190 65.98% 1.72 5 65 993 136 784 1 821 3 332 2.44 20
84 [URUS] Sturmforce 50 3 184 52% 1.86 4 67 629 133 073 1 715 3 116 2.76 15
85 [BK_HS] kami_ktm 254 3 182 68.9% 1.84 6 63 578 156 571 1 301 2 895 2.04 16
86 Misanthr0pe 139 3 180 66.91% 1.89 10 63 411 154 068 1 736 4 277 2.12 17
86 [SKG] WillowWisp 56 3 180 76.79% 2 6 59 920 109 128 1 943 3 299 1.12 13
88 [MBSSX] Ra_zon 90 3 172 76.67% 1.89 7 60 753 128 907 1 895 4 317 1.61 12
89 SofaKingAmazing 21 3 168 71.43% 1.67 4 64 806 122 076 1 941 2 758 3.24 10
90 OopsIPennedYouAgain 393 3 166 74.55% 1.97 7 60 463 203 137 1 899 4 770 2.92 23
91 [PORT] Atris2nd 107 3 165 64.49% 1.87 6 64 056 168 079 1 810 4 565 2.35 17
91 BIZNATCH 40 3 165 62.5% 1.57 6 67 898 123 204 1 942 3 155 3.48 21
91 [ABOBA] Burerman_215541 156 3 165 79.49% 1.99 7 58 971 148 148 1 917 3 788 2.01 20
94 [RAIN] Mr_Dced 135 3 161 67.41% 1.87 8 63 208 168 879 1 763 3 746 2.09 16
95 [CLADS] torytrae 91 3 159 70.33% 1.7 6 64 015 170 229 1 865 4 578 1.67 12
96 Doctor_Maus_ 230 3 156 66.52% 1.96 7 62 217 178 249 1 637 3 846 2.5 34
97 Kawuuuhm 171 3 155 75.44% 1.71 6 62 897 182 036 1 891 4 350 1.66 16
98 [EXO_7] arpavon 152 3 151 65.13% 1.98 7 62 757 164 427 1 831 3 756 2.05 11
99 [JR-IT] sailor79_2015 29 3 150 75.86% 1.55 4 64 411 162 222 1 148 2 030 3.48 19
100 Sheratos 61 3 149 73.77% 1.69 5 63 452 119 080 1 937 3 164 1.93 21