Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢


Type Aircraft Carrier
Nation U.S.A.
Cost in credits 11 500 000
Following the Washington Naval Conference, a decision was made to convert two Lexington-class battlecruisers into aircraft carriers. These ships exerted a substantial influence on future aircraft carrier design; the flight deck and outer sides of the hangar were integrated into the hull, providing longitudinal strength to the entire ship. Such a design allowed for a fully enclosed hangar space. At the time when the Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, USS Lexington was in the process of transferring planes to Midway. During the Battle of the Coral Sea, USS Lexington sustained several bomb hits. Eventually, the decision was taken to scuttle the ship, and destroyer USS Phelps was tasked with sinking Lexington using torpedoes.

  • Damage Control Party
  • Fighter
Attack Aircraft:
  • Engine Cooling
  • Patrol Fighters
Torpedo Bombers:
  • Engine Cooling
  • Patrol Fighters
  • Repairs
  • Engine Cooling
  • Patrol Fighters


Configuration: Basic
Hull Attack Aircraft Torpedo Bombers Bombers Engine
Lexington (A)
Lexington (A)
F6F Hellcat
F6F Hellcat
TBF Avenger
TBF Avenger
SBD Dauntless
SBD Dauntless
Propulsion: 180,000 hp
Propulsion: 180,000 hp
Lexington (B)
Lexington (B)
F4U-1D Corsair
HVAR 127 mm
F4U-1D Corsair HVAR 127 mm
SB2C Helldiver
SB2C Helldiver
SB2C Helldiver
SB2C Helldiver
F4U-1D Corsair
Tiny Tim
F4U-1D Corsair Tiny Tim


Survivability 69
Aircraft 47
Artillery 4
AA Defense 87
Maneuverability 40
Concealment 40

Statistics of same tier and type warships

Nation Battles Win rate Avg. frags Avg. damage Avg. experience Avg. planes destroyed Kills / deaths
AL Hornet U.S.A. 7 471 49.89 % 0.86 62 633 1 664 3.38 2.80
Theseus U.K. 16 632 53.68 % 0.81 78 044 1 824 3.53 2.94
Chkalov B U.S.S.R. 63 896 50.24 % 0.76 56 990 1 676 5.98 2.42
Kaga B Japan 305 261 52.09 % 0.83 65 692 1 718 3.19 3.12
Graf Zeppelin B Germany 254 022 48.94 % 0.69 52 084 1 566 4.06 2.21
Saipan B U.S.A. 27 566 49.23 % 0.70 58 395 1 596 3.66 2.74
Hornet U.S.A. 206 379 50.82 % 0.86 63 444 1 658 3.35 2.91
Colossus U.K. 52 204 54.69 % 0.98 73 601 1 862 4.16 3.72
Saipan U.S.A. 411 403 50.00 % 0.79 59 125 1 656 4.18 3.99
Kaga Japan 1 189 106 52.29 % 0.86 66 833 1 718 3.55 3.49
Graf Zeppelin Germany 826 307 48.40 % 0.68 51 923 1 548 4.23 2.34
Enterprise U.S.A. 564 721 54.18 % 0.96 62 046 1 875 6.28 4.80
Sanzang Pan-Asia 50 664 48.31 % 0.68 54 356 1 557 3.63 2.76
Chkalov U.S.S.R. 409 940 52.70 % 0.90 65 300 1 795 5.85 3.18
Aquila Italy 62 836 54.26 % 0.93 71 569 1 815 3.76 3.40
Indomitable U.K. 286 032 50.80 % 0.78 63 917 1 771 4.49 3.20
Pobeda U.S.S.R. 777 557 50.29 % 0.76 60 990 1 653 4.81 2.59
Shōkaku Japan 2 464 116 49.65 % 0.78 54 865 1 581 3.97 3.64
August von Parseval Germany 1 102 433 49.86 % 0.76 54 963 1 598 4.57 3.04
Implacable U.K. 1 564 812 49.06 % 0.71 52 392 1 586 4.56 3.00
Lexington U.S.A. 2 990 896 48.77 % 0.73 53 322 1 550 4.48 2.88
Yorktown U.S.A. 378 880 50.94 % 0.67 55 482 1 650 7.01 2.64


Minimum battles: 40
Player Battles PR Win rate Avg. frags Max. frags Avg. damage Max. damage Avg. experience Max. experience
1 _BIaze 40 4 634 87.5% 2.45 7 153 046 253 922 3 512 5 505
2 [SMILE] SeMeN_TKD_59324715 41 4 481 80.49% 2.44 7 148 200 230 155 3 416 5 147
3 [THEM] KALIPSO__ 78 4 129 80.77% 1.62 5 148 915 277 625 3 159 5 117
4 [ZAO] Human_Fall_Flat 40 4 028 75% 2.1 5 139 118 217 047 3 082 4 678
5 [ABOBA] _UMD_Swen 40 4 020 72.5% 1.95 6 140 793 252 231 2 947 5 470
6 [RAIN] Malim0o 42 3 937 66.67% 2.21 6 135 618 290 682 3 062 6 188
7 [RAIN] thisheep 51 3 911 66.67% 1.9 5 141 925 223 906 3 067 4 815
8 [FOGGY] vanyaxxx_3398018 80 3 909 82.5% 2.1 7 127 951 234 746 3 245 6 241
9 [AWSL] Yuzaki_Tsukasa 41 3 904 70.73% 2.56 6 125 954 208 642 3 072 5 079
10 SeMeN_TKD 68 3 903 70.59% 2.15 5 133 227 232 913 2 684 4 731
11 [OBF] INBARLAVI 40 3 883 52.5% 2.08 4 141 181 239 193 2 785 4 911
12 [B000M] Mubaba 164 3 660 73.78% 2.02 7 123 020 232 301 3 182 5 685
13 [TORAZ] El2aZeR 104 3 642 88.46% 2.42 6 106 707 228 562 2 464 4 472
14 [DELCV] ZeAngryBammer 41 3 622 90.24% 2.49 5 105 752 207 754 3 101 4 304
15 [AVLNC] ArchiTanchik 161 3 619 66.46% 1.7 6 131 252 281 089 2 804 5 223
16 [PUMBA] klimbodom 53 3 591 71.7% 2.04 5 120 240 229 633 3 131 6 119
17 [VNGC] THUSUSU 52 3 588 65.38% 1.9 6 126 023 226 222 3 050 5 378
18 [AWSL] UnitedStates_Needs_Buff 83 3 539 83.13% 1.99 5 113 298 210 634 2 977 4 353
19 Crab_eu 45 3 533 73.33% 1.6 7 127 172 268 470 2 812 4 734
20 [TEMP] lord_yggdrasill 59 3 529 66.1% 2.02 5 121 365 262 475 2 439 4 953
21 le_cretin_belge 142 3 526 69.72% 2.02 7 119 536 234 836 1 887 4 281
22 [THESO] Nov_A 500 3 525 77.2% 1.74 7 121 293 255 587 2 685 5 498
23 [TDM] clk_Noice 106 3 474 78.3% 2.28 8 107 313 220 597 2 922 5 081
24 [NOYAP] KomiCantCarryHardEnough 734 3 456 80.11% 2.13 8 108 341 241 486 2 933 5 300
25 [POI--] Aijo_Kallen 40 3 455 65% 1.57 5 127 051 219 004 2 655 4 226
25 the_Annoying_Italian 40 3 455 82.5% 1.73 5 116 084 187 749 2 755 4 398
27 [L_B_F] TheM0nsTer_ 79 3 454 68.35% 2.01 7 117 447 229 632 2 682 4 855
28 [CHINA] Juice_Juice 163 3 444 63.8% 1.83 7 121 263 228 402 2 731 5 307
29 [ENUF] Therano 90 3 440 73.33% 1.99 6 115 966 202 683 2 868 4 658
30 [THOU] BUTAMUHKO 40 3 438 67.5% 1.6 4 124 776 203 641 2 612 3 833
31 [YESCV] MaximRosencrantz 43 3 432 62.79% 1.98 6 118 828 206 515 2 347 4 696
32 [ERAGE] soyoo 40 3 430 65% 1.77 5 122 136 239 480 2 808 5 119
33 [TARS] comradesu 74 3 421 75.68% 1.91 7 113 545 195 204 2 215 4 455
34 [NOBRA] ExitusBlaze 50 3 415 70% 1.74 7 121 608 205 135 2 752 4 974
35 [RAIN] Uguf6d6r5d4cyvi44wwejrt6 41 3 403 60.98% 1.59 5 126 380 232 709 2 559 4 282
36 [OHBOY] Sinthanor 49 3 402 75.51% 1.78 6 115 219 269 256 2 895 4 949
37 [_GG_] Gameraysen 40 3 379 67.5% 1.7 4 121 998 232 521 2 548 3 954
38 [TSUN] Hatisch 2 127 3 377 72.03% 1.96 7 115 094 299 996 2 476 5 596
39 [PUMBA] FlyingBum_117186356 73 3 374 83.56% 1.55 6 115 684 195 649 2 887 5 092
40 [-TFD-] JimmieRustles 59 3 367 62.71% 1.66 7 124 326 252 439 2 538 4 531
41 [DFEMA] _KisskaMalinka_ 40 3 352 80% 1.92 5 108 123 224 962 2 410 4 972
42 Mashinori 57 3 351 63.16% 1.88 5 117 995 241 272 2 770 5 398
43 [R6EZ] uokiasatusamurodia 44 3 349 54.55% 2.05 6 117 309 238 257 2 211 5 069
44 [SHEN] Wareagle15 148 3 347 73.65% 1.93 7 113 042 214 476 2 765 5 018
45 Delysidus 102 3 330 69.61% 1.87 6 113 893 252 301 3 004 5 952
45 [KIEV] __BOP_ 105 3 330 75.24% 1.72 6 114 616 238 503 2 718 5 363
47 EIBaron 54 3 328 64.81% 1.76 6 118 644 209 508 2 555 4 083
48 Nocturnal_Scream 84 3 317 65.48% 1.75 6 117 322 200 650 2 620 5 180
49 [PAID] Get_Diegod_Bro 44 3 306 81.82% 1.8 6 110 022 217 667 3 071 5 061
50 [AAO] Vaska358 47 3 295 65.96% 1.68 6 116 921 240 387 2 794 5 066
51 jurak1 142 3 284 69.01% 1.77 7 114 556 270 522 2 337 5 546
52 [DNC] chriskus0210 45 3 282 71.11% 1.58 6 116 868 226 362 2 716 4 175
53 [SHEN] rhadamanthe4 629 3 281 67.25% 1.59 7 119 194 266 031 2 527 4 952
54 [YESCV] _MIDGARD_TARTARIA_prpr 85 3 280 68.24% 2.2 6 105 218 215 390 2 671 4 944
55 Elizium_st 43 3 279 60.47% 1.67 6 119 352 202 939 1 791 3 885
56 [SHAFT] Its_Russian 107 3 276 71.96% 1.57 5 116 174 243 107 2 690 4 215
57 Superkiller127_EsP 56 3 274 67.86% 1.75 6 113 655 185 855 2 125 4 606
58 [GOBOY] BattleShipPacific 40 3 273 67.5% 2.12 6 106 690 195 933 2 732 4 259
59 Aeriz 40 3 272 67.5% 1.45 4 122 261 235 499 2 664 4 627
59 [TABU] XxKaLeu_Gasando_PvE_PLxX 210 3 272 77.14% 1.75 6 109 929 275 153 2 942 5 601
61 [AA0] Oeuforique 118 3 271 69.49% 1.67 6 114 472 247 666 2 176 5 013
62 [TEA_G] huangbai_prpr 65 3 268 70.77% 1.97 5 109 680 253 086 2 893 5 284
63 [THEM] jedai46 83 3 266 65.06% 1.93 6 111 206 233 171 2 512 5 810
64 [SILK] Ameaki__Momiji 46 3 265 73.91% 1.65 5 112 330 207 527 2 416 4 795
65 [OSC] ShockPirat 101 3 258 76.24% 2.07 6 102 393 230 819 2 804 5 714
66 BestKazaria 62 3 246 72.58% 1.39 4 120 061 231 886 2 882 4 861
67 [STIFT] Mad_Lumpi 161 3 245 68.94% 1.59 5 115 198 222 866 2 821 5 257
67 neeravin 70 3 245 62.86% 2.24 8 106 794 251 765 2 988 5 137
69 SkywalkerICU 47 3 244 63.83% 1.45 5 120 902 217 244 2 539 4 281
70 Excaliburium 41 3 234 75.61% 1.76 8 108 576 224 975 2 734 4 785
71 [DSNF] Galaxy011 40 3 231 72.5% 1.9 6 108 828 220 246 2 616 4 490
72 [BLUMR] Lolisankyu 42 3 225 76.19% 1.26 3 117 913 222 226 2 689 4 988
72 Tsyokiss 112 3 225 71.43% 1.51 6 117 286 244 910 2 824 4 574
74 [MIRKO] Mr_Aves 57 3 223 56.14% 1.6 4 121 563 205 264 2 282 4 142
74 [MR2ND] IKAUO 51 3 223 62.75% 1.47 5 121 546 228 269 2 714 4 573
76 [ABOBA] Maxkasim_60840561 72 3 222 77.78% 1.88 6 104 619 199 737 2 957 5 285
77 Zaruex 40 3 220 77.5% 1.57 6 110 527 214 976 3 016 5 340
78 NeuralinkMonkey 164 3 218 71.95% 2.16 7 100 726 238 697 2 979 6 165
79 MFG2714 56 3 217 67.86% 1.84 6 110 537 234 852 2 080 4 624
79 [UN3] 0benohne 44 3 217 56.82% 2.07 5 110 382 189 082 2 845 4 502
81 [-DFD-] Psychological_Warfare 257 3 216 64.2% 1.89 7 112 170 251 716 1 924 5 030
82 [PPEYE] Fox_Rain 193 3 213 72.54% 2.07 7 102 397 231 928 2 195 5 457
83 [1P] fodder89 40 3 205 77.5% 1.6 5 109 336 199 829 2 895 4 201
84 NoBounceNoPlay 228 3 203 71.93% 1.84 7 107 279 231 949 2 706 4 744
85 Luke6_31 45 3 197 68.89% 1.67 4 112 892 188 649 2 842 4 962
85 [SURI4] LaSaucisseDeMaurice 71 3 197 74.65% 1.86 6 107 015 214 298 2 797 4 607
87 Bubbuciaccia93 41 3 191 78.05% 1.71 5 106 654 188 226 2 904 5 036
87 [COLLE] QAQ_QAQ_QAQ 177 3 191 77.97% 1.95 8 101 962 228 316 2 792 5 294
89 [CAPOO] Awsl_Sliver 47 3 190 87.23% 2.15 5 94 613 158 063 2 775 4 688
90 [TAW] Irving92 53 3 181 62.26% 1.77 6 113 888 222 419 2 687 4 465
90 [DZI4D] slalas 99 3 181 72.73% 1.65 5 109 889 229 294 2 723 4 964
92 [RUAXU] Koizumi_Hanayo 45 3 176 77.78% 1.73 5 105 398 182 093 2 853 4 777
92 [JDZ] HonMeilin 314 3 176 69.11% 1.62 6 114 912 245 238 2 406 4 647
94 [STING] xVeoon 45 3 175 57.78% 1.49 5 120 408 195 763 2 288 4 738
95 [SEEYA] Pawlo424 40 3 174 75% 1.75 5 106 342 186 993 2 724 4 393
96 [KZHGR] 1an_Leeeeeeee 55 3 171 56.36% 1.71 6 116 618 235 393 2 982 5 028
96 [GURKA] LeBron_KinG_29 883 3 171 69.08% 1.88 8 106 284 244 549 2 773 6 742
98 RATlRL 56 3 161 66.07% 1.5 5 114 769 212 882 2 477 4 121
99 [RAIN] I_AM_LULU_SNAIL 62 3 156 69.35% 1.68 5 111 481 227 109 2 606 4 271
100 DivaDesu 68 3 155 76.47% 1.69 5 107 101 224 748 2 276 4 046