Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢


Tier XI
Type Battleship
Nation Germany
Cost in credits 57 000 000
A further development of the H-class project with reinforced main battery guns. The next step after the 457 mm guns would be to increase the caliber to 19 inches (483 mm). Such a caliber would establish German battleships as the most heavily armed vessels in the annals of naval history. By the time of their development, plans were in place to completely discontinue the use of non-dual-purpose secondary battery guns and replace them with dual-purpose artillery.


Configuration: Basic
Main Battery Hull Gun Fire Control System Engine
483 mm/50 SK C42
483 mm/50 SK C42
FKS Typ 11 Mod. 1
FKS Typ 11 Mod. 1
Propulsion: 250,000 hp
Propulsion: 250,000 hp


Survivability 100
Artillery 94
AA Defense 91
Maneuverability 34
Concealment 8

Statistics of same tier and type warships

Nation Battles Win rate Avg. frags Avg. damage Avg. experience Avg. planes destroyed Kills / deaths
Admiral Ushakov U.S.S.R. 139 237 51.14 % 0.77 89 932 1 913 5.11 1.28
Satsuma Japan 1 417 577 49.39 % 0.83 108 317 1 848 2.43 1.64
Hannover Germany 804 420 49.21 % 0.71 88 710 1 739 3.60 1.02
Patrie France 713 030 50.24 % 0.92 112 048 2 042 3.31 1.64
Devastation U.K. 173 654 49.64 % 0.83 118 996 2 014 2.67 1.77
Maine U.S.A. 305 546 51.05 % 0.98 114 012 2 051 4.25 1.92


Minimum battles: 80
Player Battles PR Win rate Avg. frags Max. frags Avg. damage Max. damage Avg. experience Max. experience Avg. planes destroyed Max. planes destroyed
1 [SILK] Through_the_Clouds 85 3 205 72.94% 1.65 7 191 729 297 126 3 130 5 274 5.92 31
2 [MARL1] TONT0N 174 2 778 69.54% 1.54 6 166 298 316 037 2 854 5 249 4.48 39
3 [SURI4] AleX_pLo_SiOn 85 2 671 74.12% 1.44 6 158 470 377 555 2 668 5 322 5.32 55
4 missmegatoon 104 2 644 68.27% 1.47 5 159 887 307 622 2 831 4 799 4.41 52
5 [ZUN] SOMA2035 119 2 607 63.87% 1.62 6 154 884 358 858 2 626 4 903 3.94 34
6 [SPRB] Eksistere_Kyrenia 81 2 598 59.26% 1.62 5 157 837 314 972 2 742 5 210 6.31 27
7 [IBUKI] Gato_2P_AheadU 90 2 590 62.22% 1.29 4 167 394 392 728 2 734 6 607 3.7 24
8 [-EUL-] douyutianya 237 2 571 62.87% 1.54 7 155 074 327 904 2 797 5 967 5.7 46
9 Yuri_Lover_of_69 119 2 569 58.82% 1.06 5 174 980 337 897 2 757 5 398 5.29 37
10 [TAPAS] Andreu1993 96 2 567 75% 1.59 6 142 987 294 209 2 617 4 596 3.39 45
11 [KFKG] Lord_Helmchen_15 137 2 563 72.26% 1.35 7 153 492 298 705 2 413 5 272 4.51 43
12 [TEA_G] Ayanami_prpr 82 2 559 65.85% 1.61 5 149 371 362 015 2 743 5 216 7.83 45
13 [W_W_W] ShimakazeR 112 2 527 64.29% 1.49 5 151 684 319 447 2 755 5 401 4.12 31
14 [SEND] bef1993 307 2 526 74.27% 1.48 6 144 083 325 832 2 739 5 688 3.98 32
15 CorrectionNeeded 92 2 516 67.39% 1.65 6 143 558 319 633 2 741 5 053 3.88 33
16 [FB] ll_zlSaphir_ll 3 534 2 510 58.26% 1.22 7 166 276 467 869 2 662 5 973 4.66 70
17 [GURKA] The_Cook 112 2 507 66.96% 1.29 5 156 684 339 112 2 776 4 698 4.76 30
18 [KAFU] YNWA219 80 2 469 60% 1.41 5 153 700 300 782 2 711 5 561 4.67 32
19 [BUAA] wwerr5 151 2 446 55.63% 1.39 5 157 392 304 755 2 605 4 350 5.44 41
20 [KUGUA] KazamiYuika 126 2 428 65.08% 1.4 6 148 575 329 183 2 269 4 673 5.19 48
21 [TSFA] IMPERATOR_PALPETINE 294 2 424 65.31% 1.18 5 154 957 373 240 2 300 4 586 6.13 63
22 [V888] i_wanna_be_part_of_ITA 122 2 419 66.39% 1.35 5 148 142 288 049 2 710 4 739 8.17 41
23 [MUG] Le_Corsaire_ 101 2 413 62.38% 1.46 6 147 115 336 271 2 172 5 610 5.58 36
24 [ITA-W] Pinkcamouflage 135 2 403 65.93% 1.28 7 149 026 379 752 2 508 5 503 3.66 34
25 [QTAZ] ManifikHQ 138 2 401 66.67% 1.54 6 139 118 326 273 2 710 5 307 4.84 37
26 [NCOTS] TheFuwwyFox 93 2 399 68.82% 1.28 5 146 373 344 020 2 568 5 252 4.09 35
27 [BPLA] Windhund32 123 2 393 65.04% 1.26 6 149 344 383 705 2 462 5 097 6.06 38
28 [NW_DE] _Rammsie_Hartmann_ 80 2 379 61.25% 1.32 4 149 383 296 551 2 725 4 804 5.2 31
29 [BELTA] PoiSlayer 120 2 370 54.17% 1.41 5 150 933 307 966 2 600 5 366 4.07 33
30 landerschiff 161 2 364 60.87% 1.27 5 150 390 338 790 2 655 4 751 4.68 42
31 SEESCHAKAL 124 2 360 62.1% 1.4 5 144 386 289 131 2 610 4 893 5.07 33
31 [L_B_F] Man0war31 116 2 360 63.79% 1.66 6 137 929 289 678 2 403 4 561 3.59 22
33 FullBroadside 213 2 338 60.56% 1.38 7 144 653 355 416 2 529 4 787 4.58 29
33 [OBF] ALICIA_DEBORAN_KERRY 122 2 338 57.38% 1.42 5 146 205 303 775 2 618 4 734 6.51 39
35 [GRKEN] Fliqqsy 97 2 303 61.86% 1.23 5 147 397 289 595 2 309 4 327 5.76 43
36 WW_Alpha 418 2 300 63.16% 1.47 6 137 425 348 149 2 150 4 815 4.3 39
37 Marineoffizier_Lindemann 116 2 290 65.52% 1.29 5 141 181 301 112 2 623 5 119 4.74 30
38 [IDOLM] Soy_Rinze 86 2 286 56.98% 1.49 6 139 171 286 947 2 560 4 612 3.63 23
39 [VICE] Bio_Ship 109 2 280 61.47% 1.33 5 145 577 283 170 2 636 4 962 5.83 35
40 [IT-KL] Patrizia_71 137 2 255 49.64% 1.46 7 144 436 358 335 1 632 5 257 4.42 50
41 [-FTA-] Yves_the_Chief28 143 2 253 69.23% 1.31 7 134 088 290 058 2 513 5 112 3.52 30
42 [ORTUS] canghai112 80 2 251 57.5% 1.25 5 146 176 297 193 2 608 4 665 5.01 38
43 [BRO3R] LongHu_angeL 181 2 234 67.4% 1.3 5 135 299 364 537 2 601 5 162 4.37 35
44 [NKV] fabitankkiller 95 2 233 58.95% 1.33 8 140 695 336 569 2 367 5 597 4.38 37
45 [-TWA-] Quaggers 81 2 225 64.2% 1.38 5 133 417 233 605 2 568 4 759 4.04 36
45 [ERR0R] havoc2902 81 2 225 62.96% 1.36 7 135 614 339 153 2 313 4 644 5.98 33
47 Ikarosssss 92 2 217 60.87% 1.28 5 138 566 301 100 2 460 4 617 5.21 37
48 [Q8] spectre_333 99 2 214 61.62% 1.41 5 132 772 379 806 1 718 5 031 3.56 27
48 [USEUR] Pogoren 195 2 214 61.03% 1.32 5 138 085 379 233 2 224 5 200 4.31 43
50 [WBF] Lixuskzs 137 2 200 64.23% 1.23 6 137 516 277 878 2 502 4 818 6.55 35
51 [RADU] SyuAyanami 84 2 199 67.86% 1.11 5 138 649 325 427 2 554 4 616 4.62 31
52 [IDOLM] Admiral_Buchen 110 2 198 56.36% 1.34 5 140 081 350 621 2 244 4 700 2.69 30
53 [TCNF] Uzuki_shimamurua 133 2 192 66.92% 1.14 4 137 861 337 712 2 405 4 863 4.75 44
54 [JDZ] amouse123 94 2 190 59.57% 1.32 8 137 306 283 247 2 535 4 716 4.85 20
55 [REEF] ProbleMChillD 102 2 185 56.86% 1.37 5 135 930 374 761 2 270 4 177 4.48 58
56 [ZOD] Raubwal 122 2 180 59.02% 1.22 7 140 288 380 315 1 857 4 639 3.34 26
57 [PPEYE] Foxs_Rain 106 2 178 63.21% 1.29 5 134 457 336 433 2 179 4 756 5.47 61
58 [VPM] Mr_Reinjodeln 229 2 171 62.01% 1.34 7 132 438 321 499 2 401 4 787 4.56 55
59 [YOBOY] JohnDope94 153 2 170 59.48% 1.23 5 138 178 319 168 2 512 5 540 4.29 42
60 [2434] Sucable 87 2 168 58.62% 1.06 4 144 718 275 368 2 224 4 295 5.82 37
61 [AAO] BlackBlueberry 93 2 162 63.44% 1.23 4 135 032 296 268 2 552 4 274 4.26 32
62 [D4KFR] juliendu41 311 2 157 61.74% 1.2 5 136 610 298 657 1 862 4 393 4.15 59
63 [PRANA] Arima__Kana 98 2 147 60.2% 1.16 7 138 690 380 000 2 472 4 949 6.14 34
64 xMaggiKind 154 2 144 53.9% 1.14 6 144 670 316 174 2 451 5 500 5.92 50
64 [NFURS] GoPickupthesoup 165 2 144 63.03% 1.28 8 131 299 460 520 2 465 6 297 4.19 47
66 [SILK] King0fAwesome 106 2 138 60.38% 1.14 5 139 383 295 692 2 581 4 691 3.82 25
67 [CSN] Petea11 116 2 136 56.9% 1.36 6 133 708 350 544 2 422 4 799 4.28 30
68 MycatsnameisLucy 120 2 134 65.83% 1.22 5 130 786 313 796 2 505 5 132 3.16 36
69 [-IRC-] TBDTony 166 2 132 57.23% 1.22 5 138 552 329 146 1 602 3 795 4.63 35
69 [N77] RoseCrown 450 2 132 58.44% 1.2 6 138 075 337 807 2 341 5 637 3.7 55
71 [KAFU] Fadingblade 111 2 128 54.05% 1.19 4 141 354 385 768 2 386 3 975 4.98 32
72 [GURKA] uR_MILLENNIUM 283 2 123 60.42% 1.22 6 138 013 347 398 2 308 4 776 4.35 36
73 [TTTH] maweni 142 2 121 50% 1.17 5 145 250 291 372 2 268 4 568 4.38 34
74 [SEEYA] RABBITPLKNZ 187 2 116 73.8% 1.23 5 123 779 258 574 2 489 4 408 4.49 29
75 [SWAT_] MaxCaution 96 2 114 56.25% 1.41 5 130 891 245 039 2 003 3 962 3.19 47
76 [GUGEU] lichwell 289 2 104 59.52% 1.12 7 137 045 364 625 2 418 5 231 4.36 28
77 Targo__PL 83 2 096 75.9% 1.13 4 123 898 256 351 2 095 4 269 4.07 34
78 [RUMR] Vandheer_Lorde 81 2 094 54.32% 1.43 5 130 023 312 682 2 301 4 856 4.51 28
78 [BRO3R] Rad_king 215 2 094 60.93% 1.13 6 135 578 333 333 2 571 4 970 4.2 50
80 [SILK] Nishikigi_Chisato 127 2 090 65.35% 1.17 7 129 857 295 121 2 500 4 776 4.69 40
81 [-UP2U] _P4J4_ 85 2 089 60% 1.14 5 134 549 310 332 2 341 4 480 4.46 36
82 [CUCA] Donitx 85 2 088 61.18% 1.27 6 128 828 270 783 2 401 5 111 4.01 27
82 [_MOE_] Santisima_Trinidad_1769 110 2 088 48.18% 1.27 5 139 417 264 249 2 283 4 502 5.84 45
84 [Z-23] Shiro_NepNep 95 2 085 52.63% 1.36 5 132 597 310 502 2 292 4 162 2.86 22
85 [THROW] Kahth 92 2 079 61.96% 1.27 4 127 565 271 127 2 503 4 583 6.17 54
86 [RANTA] lifebloomforever 147 2 077 55.78% 1.21 4 135 627 339 812 2 394 5 234 3.24 53
87 [IBUKI] Make_HMS_Great_Again_ 100 2 075 55% 1.18 5 137 137 269 682 2 419 4 328 4.4 54
88 [O_P] GanYuPrPr 110 2 072 57.27% 1.27 6 131 414 283 894 2 366 4 880 4.63 38
89 [YU_ZU] Caspar_EVA 249 2 070 59.04% 1.3 5 128 477 291 007 2 476 6 264 5.32 69
90 [THESO] asalonen 124 2 069 66.13% 1.23 6 125 252 317 079 2 196 4 960 3.68 32
91 [SW_DE] Adm_von_Boelcke 208 2 067 62.98% 1.21 5 128 727 280 472 2 353 5 071 3.19 34
92 [LOLOP] HUNK007 136 2 064 58.82% 1.06 4 136 962 260 412 2 322 4 399 2.76 36
93 [CMCS] JapaneseGobliin 92 2 062 66.3% 1.14 4 128 924 322 500 2 387 5 124 4.75 44
93 [SURI4] Yareski 90 2 062 63.33% 1.31 7 124 996 266 154 2 213 3 845 4.91 57
95 [A7] RemyLeBeauu 115 2 059 69.57% 1.12 5 126 698 305 995 2 540 5 422 4.64 37
95 [WTFNO] Dayko1283 97 2 059 65.98% 1.37 6 120 344 300 635 2 507 5 056 5.11 42
97 [BRBR] Tobias1807 131 2 057 65.65% 1.24 7 124 852 328 080 2 530 6 355 5.31 51
98 [NDSA] IrCnxy 121 2 050 49.59% 1.21 5 138 152 306 837 2 305 4 619 4.56 43
99 [-SBG-] Il__Simba__lI 88 2 046 72.73% 1.24 5 117 741 302 694 2 383 4 292 2.93 22
100 [PNAVY] DerFuchsi 164 2 045 54.88% 1.24 6 131 952 369 319 2 340 4 792 4.77 40