Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

Scorebord Clans

  • Minimum 15 clan members
  • All clan members with visible account
  • Minimum 500 of average battles per clan member

Clan Aantal leden Actieve clanleden Winst % PR Gem. Schade Sterkte Totaal Sterkte Clan gevechten
101 [HYDRO] poor mans radar 15 5 60.47% 1 888 63 422 46 72
102 [FHUGS] Free Hugs!!! competitive... 21 8 58.37% 1 763 63 417 49 69
103 [CAG] Classis Augusta Germanica 23 5 58.78% 1 702 63 415 53 80
104 [IGNIS] IGNIS 19 17 57.55% 1 635 63 413 53 67
105 [BK_SP] The Black Sheep 49 45 55.08% 1 501 63 242 64 85
106 [RAPAX] Legio XXI - RAPAX 49 37 54.6% 1 474 63 011 62 86
107 [IDDQD] - Immortals - 45 24 58.5% 1 695 62 959 64 88
108 [CMWR2] Cmoknij Mnie W Rufe 2 46 43 53.86% 1 468 62 941 66 85
109 [PP-PP] Potato Power - Peak Performance 18 6 55.43% 1 591 62 726 45 67
110 [GNG] Greek Naval Group 26 13 56.75% 1 585 62 645 56 82
111 [TF16] .Task Force 16. 15 10 56.77% 1 627 62 506 47 67
112 [LIGA] The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 45 20 55.12% 1 580 62 471 58 78
113 [AGAMA] Absurd Gameplay And Miserable Actions 35 25 55.1% 1 542 62 433 61 85
114 [CRM5] Comando Regia Marina - Marenostrum 41 27 54.03% 1 467 62 409 65 82
115 [BOMBS] Bombs Away 49 46 51.99% 1 325 62 337 50 64
116 [ERL] European Rascals League 29 13 55.12% 1 541 62 195 52 75
117 [SWYD] See What you`ve Done! 16 0 59.23% 1 708 62 138 49 73
118 [LAWS] Assorted Outlaws 23 10 55.66% 1 504 61 966 51 72
119 [YEETD] YEETD FLEET 15 10 55.81% 1 520 61 945 46 65
120 [1-DFL] 1re Division Française Libre 39 30 53.46% 1 395 61 872 63 79
121 [P-P] Planschbecken-Piraten 26 18 55.94% 1 449 61 742 53 72
122 [VICE] ONLY FOR US!!! ΜΕΓΓΕΝΗ!! FIGHT ACADEMY!!! 44 26 55.9% 1 603 61 508 58 85
123 [SINAE] komorebi sinaean 28 4 50.35% 1 227 61 336 36 41
124 [OWNER] OF THE HELLENIC SEAS 17 9 53.41% 1 414 61 210 34 49
125 [DOTA] Defense of the Ancients! 30 2 53.68% 1 397 61 181 36 49
126 [GLORY] DEATH-OR-GLORY LEGION 21 8 57.21% 1 665 61 131 46 66
127 [NEVER] Never Hesitate 37 22 53.07% 1 387 61 016 62 82
128 [M-V-T] TC-MAVİ VATAN 15 3 48.62% 1 159 60 699 26 37
129 [UN1] Uschinatoren Wing 1 18 4 56.45% 1 556 60 678 44 62
130 [CALM] CALM 15 4 59.23% 1 769 60 647 49 68
131 [TF06] the famille 20 8 56.01% 1 699 60 624 35 54
132 [MARL1] Les Marlins 31 24 51.5% 1 280 60 491 53 68
133 [TAYTO] Irish Potatos 48 47 54.37% 1 402 60 320 60 77
134 [LNI] Lega Navale Italiana 26 23 53.67% 1 435 60 299 53 69
135 [PVVC] Postrzeleni wielokrotnie w cytadele 45 43 53.57% 1 403 60 113 62 77
136 [NSAF] No Signal Armored Fleet 23 16 53.74% 1 395 60 095 51 70
137 [UDW] Unleashed Dwarfs 49 36 56.76% 1 502 60 060 58 81
138 [TAPAS] TAPAS 31 27 54.02% 1 368 60 032 64 82
139 [SW_DE] Südwind 45 38 56.55% 1 531 59 852 62 84
140 [PALS] Powerful Armada of Legendary Sailors 48 38 54.07% 1 429 59 723 60 83
141 [SLEPT] the (not so) sleepy warriors 26 9 54.31% 1 404 59 591 55 70
142 [NACL] NaCl 23 3 58.07% 1 715 59 547 46 67
143 [JAG] Jadranski Gusari 22 20 53.32% 1 362 59 423 49 63
144 [EXIL] Exiled 42 19 56.15% 1 556 59 412 60 85
145 [RDB] les Révoltés Du Bounty 27 11 52.88% 1 390 59 411 56 71
146 [TCNF] Tactical Chicken Nugget Fleet 34 9 54.57% 1 480 59 296 52 72
147 [KYLIN] KYLIN 39 16 51.14% 1 269 59 199 40 44
148 [R2ACH] R2aching for Victory 48 42 54.14% 1 419 58 966 56 82
149 [-BIC-] Bolscevichi, Internazionalisti, Comunisti 17 2 54.28% 1 541 58 794 32 38
150 [CORN] Clan ohne richtigen Namen 44 22 55.03% 1 406 58 788 64 78
151 [-MVP-] MOST VALUABLE PLAYERS 20 7 55.43% 1 372 58 768 44 56
152 [HEG] Highly Extreme Gamers 37 18 53.64% 1 404 58 618 60 78
153 [R7S] Rebels of the 7 seas 48 45 53.69% 1 371 58 562 58 81
154 [TOPA] The Outstanding Puttantour Ambassadors 26 6 53.57% 1 450 58 299 50 71
155 [-DFD-] Deutsche Flottendivision 41 36 53.8% 1 349 58 274 57 76
156 [FOF] Fleet of Fog 29 8 58.73% 1 607 58 017 54 77
157 [TODN] --Troops of Darkness-- 40 33 54.03% 1 394 57 999 62 83
158 [TEARS] Tears of the Sea 27 15 53.79% 1 424 57 981 49 63
159 [-TFD3] The Flying Dutchman 3 24 16 54.18% 1 337 57 915 53 68
160 [SHARC] SHipscrapping_&_Recycling_Corporation 27 4 54.92% 1 571 57 909 35 54
161 [HULK] HULK & the Avengers 24 6 55% 1 496 57 803 47 69
162 [CPN] Chinese Players Navy 15 7 51.71% 1 169 57 498 39 44
163 [ATRA] Atlantic Raiders 15 0 55.25% 1 504 57 451 55 46
164 [SS4F] Set Sail For Fail 17 1 65.21% 1 693 57 397 36 51
165 [NBS] Natural Born Shippers 17 3 53.18% 1 367 57 269 47 59
166 [-TGE-] The Gaming Emporium 39 17 53.61% 1 420 57 243 54 75
167 [4TUM] 4bout To Unicum Massively 15 4 55.22% 1 563 57 242 42 63
168 [VARDA] Keep lear - Look out 17 7 51.02% 1 267 57 205 39 52
169 [NSSB] Nordische Schiffschaukelbremser 34 16 53.08% 1 358 56 958 49 67
170 [PZK-X] Panzerknacker X 33 13 53.81% 1 422 56 819 50 66
171 [GURK4] Gurkhas - the Best from Nepal Go to Swimming School 25 18 53.88% 1 330 56 775 52 68
172 [EDDA] Energetic Defence Dynamic Attack 48 43 53.95% 1 377 56 683 67 89
173 [REK1] REdoutables Krakens INdomptables 18 14 51.32% 1 251 56 623 41 52
174 [FR3E] FREE-CAP 34 24 53.69% 1 312 56 617 50 65
175 [TK] TeamKrado 49 49 53.24% 1 277 56 580 64 78
176 [OLEUM] Oleum 22 8 53.9% 1 430 56 545 45 62
177 [BEZOS] SIMPLY THE BOSS 32 22 55.24% 1 661 56 530 19 21
178 [WJP] We are just people 15 11 54.4% 1 575 56 511 39 50
179 [MNF] Marine Nationale Française 21 8 53.84% 1 440 56 491 52 67
180 [SANCT] SANCTUARY 16 1 54.47% 1 530 56 449 33 41
181 [2OP] Double Overpen 24 3 60.12% 1 641 56 433 45 68
182 [E-K] Enterkommando 34 19 52.19% 1 337 56 346 53 70
183 [-OIO-] Yolo Warriors 17 10 51.4% 1 261 56 166 37 45
184 [WIND-] -New Wind- 45 36 52.73% 1 354 56 027 55 74
185 [BE-X] There is an "X" in all of us - find your's and be "X"! 16 12 53.86% 1 365 55 989 45 62
186 [MOSHI] Mōshi mōshi Kaga 21 12 56.77% 1 554 55 927 50 67
187 [ALLNC] -Alliance- 29 13 52.62% 1 280 55 760 56 69
188 [UN-V] UschiNatoren-Veteranen 42 7 55.2% 1 478 55 526 45 71
189 [RIPCO] Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals 47 11 51.42% 1 260 55 506 37 49
190 [YERBA] YERBA uczy, YERBA radzi, YERBA cytadelę wsadzi 17 16 53.19% 1 285 55 391 44 60
191 [DK_CP] Don't Know - Can't Penetrate. 22 17 53.63% 1 348 55 348 43 55
192 [CPT] Captain 17 2 56.37% 1 597 55 290 42 54
193 [BOTES] Bravo Oscar Tango Echo Sierra 17 3 59.05% 1 671 55 287 38 53
194 [1160] Club 1160 47 18 58.06% 1 559 55 276 57 82
195 [VORON] Чорний птах 19 9 52.86% 1 354 55 252 31 41
196 [C-O-C] Circel of Chaos 26 12 51.3% 1 240 55 238 40 51
197 [SURIE] La famille des suricates 45 37 51.97% 1 279 55 223 52 73
198 [MBSSX] Bullied kids with battleships 43 39 54.95% 1 404 55 198 53 80
199 [SWAMP] The Swamp 27 9 54.48% 1 458 55 074 44 60
200 [BURPA] Warriors from Up The Khyber 45 34 52.88% 1 312 55 057 56 71