Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

Personal Rating - About

The Personal Rating is measure of skill in World of Warships. It measures performance in every warship and compares it to certain expected values. Differences between actual and expected values are used to calculate final Personal Rating value.

Basic assumptions:
  • values in the range of 0 - 3000,
  • colors and values similar to the well-known World of Tanks WN8,
  • WoWS is more strategic game than WoT so win rate should influence Personal Rating,
  • number of destroyed planes should be ignored - in WoWS AA is automated so no skill is needed to destroy planes. Even with CVs killing planes is very easy (click and forget)
  • elements in order of importance: damage dealt, warship kills, win rate,

Personal Rating calculations are based on expected and actual values of wins, damage dealt and warships kills. To get expected values use expected values for warships (preview, json) and multiply them by number of battles played.

Step 1 - ratios:
rDmg = actualDmg/expectedDmg
rWins = actualWins/expectedWins
rFrags = actualFrags/expectedFrags
Step 2 - normalization:
nDmg = max(0, (rDmg - 0.4) / (1 - 0.4))
nFrags = max(0, (rFrags - 0.1) / (1 - 0.1))
nWins = max(0, (rWins - 0.7) / (1 - 0.7))
Step 3 - PR value:
PR =  700*nDMG + 300*nFrags + 150*nWins
You are free to use our Personal Rating formula and expected values, however we demand, that you attribute our site by providing link to WoWS Numbers.

If you have questions contact Wiochi on World of Warships forums.

Personal Rating - Overall PR example

1. Calculate sums of actual and expected values

Actual values
total values for each warship
Expected values
Values: preview, json
Warship Battles Damage Wins Frags Damage Wins Frags
Neptune 2 54468 1 1 2 x 53431.001939351 = 106862.0038787 2 x 50.083474083213/100 = 1.0016694816643 2 x 0.68277679830747 = 1.3655535966149
Warspite 1 155185 1 1 1 x 47092.363079019 = 47092.363079019 1 x 51.592451180743/100 = 0.51592451180743 1 x 0.82358537693004 = 0.82358537693004
Aigle 1 51576 1 2 1 x 26110.275788978 = 26110.275788978 1 x 51.354698539801/100 = 0.51354698539801 1 x 0.70940178991992 = 0.70940178991992
Lion 1 117285 1 2 1 x 77618.657770516 = 77618.657770516 1 x 50.341053921566/100 = 0.50341053921566 1 x 0.6807843137255 = 0.6807843137255
Sums 378514 4 6 257683.30051721 2.5345515180854 3.5793250771904
2. Calculate ratios

rDmg = actualDmg/expectedDmg
rFrags = actualFrags/expectedFrags
rWins = actualWins/expectedWins
rDmg = 378514/257683.30051721 = 1.4689116416945
rFrags = 6/3.5793250771904 = 1.6762936784467
rWins = 4/2.5345515180854 = 1.5781884769191
3. Normalization:

nDmg = max(0, (rDmg - 0.4) / (1 - 0.4))
nFrags = max(0, (rFrags - 0.1) / (1 - 0.1))
nWins = max(0, (rWins - 0.7) / (1 - 0.7))
nDmg = max(0, (1.4689116416945 - 0.4) / (1 - 0.4)) = 1.7815194028242
nFrags = max(0, (1.6762936784467 - 0.1) / (1 - 0.1)) = 1.7514374204963
nWins = max(0, (1.5781884769191 - 0.7) / (1 - 0.7)) = 2.9272949230635
4. PR value:

PR =  700*nDMG + 300*nFrags + 150*nWins
PR =  700*1.7815194028242 + 300*1.7514374204963 + 150*2.9272949230635 = 2211.5890465853 ≈ 2212

Personal Rating - Color Scale

Skill Range
Cattivo 0 - 750
Sotto la media 750 - 1100
Nella media 1100 - 1350
Buono 1350 - 1550
Molto buono 1550 - 1750
Ottimo 1750 - 2100
Unicum 2100 - 2450
Super Unicum 2450 - 9999