Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

[-SAP-] Semi Armor Pepeghi Statistics Compare


Members count 15
Active members count 3
Personal Rating (PR) 1 674
Average Win rate 56.05%
Average Damage 66 533
Clan strength - Total 49
Clan strength - Clan battles 72
Clans leaderboard
Win rate 103
Average Damage 68
Personal Rating (PR) 61
Strength: Total 165
Strength: Clan battles 119
You can be a rattlesnake or a pepega, but if you play come to Discord! VIS Community Semi Armor Permalosi ITA Clan


Generate signature
Clan strength
Cruisers 76
Aircraft carriers 29
Destroyers 69
Battleships 70
Submarines 0
Total 49
Clan battles 72
About strength


Clan strength
Personal Rating (PR)
Win rate


Player Role Battles Win rate PR Avg. damage Max. damage Rank Strength
Clan battles
X tier warships
Gionniinsenatura Midshipman 5 654 62.17% 2 156 77 926 312 500
- 95 95 100 92 76 97 Destroyers 9
Cruisers 11
Battleships 8
Aircraft carriers 4
Submarines 0
Stefano95 Midshipman 9 681 59.2% 1 939 85 078 292 605
- 100 90 98 94 76 99 Destroyers 9
Cruisers 15
Battleships 9
Aircraft carriers 2
Submarines 0
Jimmy_Rossi Line Officer 5 171 53.57% 1 587 55 532 267 147
Des Moines
30 84 0 88 61 47 84 Destroyers 6
Cruisers 5
Battleships 1
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
MDDestroyers Midshipman 6 848 59.54% 1 814 76 515 287 848
Grosser Kurfürst
30 91 0 82 81 51 86 Destroyers 3
Cruisers 14
Battleships 7
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Dedezinho Midshipman 2 523 56.56% 2 053 98 086 325 984
23 96 0 75 90 52 86 Destroyers 1
Cruisers 4
Battleships 5
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Thanathios Midshipman 3 621 44.68% 721 34 705 233 687
27 27 0 44 62 27 37 Destroyers 1
Cruisers 6
Battleships 2
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
dynamyte460 Midshipman 770 52.34% 906 22 359 161 094
- - - - - - -
lorenzx Midshipman 6 524 48.08% 1 087 52 376 261 273
- 41 0 28 56 25 36 Destroyers 2
Cruisers 5
Battleships 7
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Saab2280 Line Officer 16 622 57.08% 1 801 78 305 345 787
28 99 75 91 82 69 94 Destroyers 18
Cruisers 18
Battleships 15
Aircraft carriers 5
Submarines 0
Hell_Striker Executive Officer 135 71.11% 2 590 72 434 187 180
30 - - - - - -
InchiaDiMare Commander 15 80% 4 835 42 723 98 883
St. Louis
- - - - - - -
samuele794 Line Officer 2 130 55.96% 1 531 56 095 211 814
30 80 0 0 84 33 43 Destroyers 0
Cruisers 11
Battleships 1
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
DavyGioik90 Midshipman 466 66.52% 2 712 105 582 266 532
28 100 0 0 0 20 47 Destroyers 0
Cruisers 4
Battleships 0
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
TrollingShip Midshipman 306 57.84% 1 867 55 275 152 001
30 47 0 55 0 20 48 Destroyers 1
Cruisers 1
Battleships 0
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Celtic_Blue_Noha Commissioned Officer 26 553 55.05% 1 585 67 099 302 778
- 79 59 94 73 61 86 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 15
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 7
Submarines 0