Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

[ADS] Alte Deutsche Säcke Statistics Compare


Members count 13
Active members count 2
Personal Rating (PR) 975
Average Win rate 48.44%
Average Damage 39 167
Clan strength - Total 21
Clan strength - Clan battles 34
Clans leaderboard
Win rate -
Average Damage -
Personal Rating (PR) -
Strength: Total -
Strength: Clan battles -
Wir sind ein Deutschsprachiger Clan und suchen Spieler, die Spaß am Spielen haben. Zur Kommunikation untereinander verwenden wir Discord (IST PFLICHT). Außerdem legen wir Wert auf FairPlay und auf eine gute Umgangsform. Alles andere gerne per PN. PS: Ohne Discord braucht ihr euch nicht bei uns Melden.


Generate signature
Clan strength
Cruisers 39
Aircraft carriers 6
Destroyers 30
Battleships 28
Submarines 1
Total 21
Clan battles 34
About strength

Recent transfers

10.09.2023 Johannderzerstoerer
11.04.2023 Prof_Hirnos
23.03.2023 Seelenteufel
22.03.2023 Snorxi
29.11.2022 _Trifftnix_


No relationships

Add relationship | Relationships from other clans

X tier warships

Destroyers 40 Cruisers 68
Battleships 33 Aircraft carriers 4
Submarines 1


Clan strength
Personal Rating (PR)
Win rate


Player Role Battles Win rate PR Avg. damage Max. damage Rank Strength
Clan battles
X tier warships
qwertzu_qwertzu Recruiter 1 904 54.31% 1 717 58 298 277 146
- 86 0 75 0 32 75 Destroyers 1
Cruisers 8
Battleships 0
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Luckystrike70 Recruiter Hidden account
Snorxi Executive Officer 1 224 50.41% 1 369 46 282 256 966
Grosser Kurfürst
30 56 0 46 67 34 52 Destroyers 3
Cruisers 2
Battleships 2
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Boestier Midshipman 4 356 43.78% 615 39 582 219 753
28 27 0 26 28 16 27 Destroyers 2
Cruisers 1
Battleships 1
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
InoffziellerNutzer Midshipman Hidden account
Th_Lucifer Midshipman 3 990 50.35% 1 039 35 443 163 905
30 30 0 0 0 6 14 Destroyers 0
Cruisers 2
Battleships 0
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
F3HL4NZ3IG3 Midshipman 2 520 49.21% 1 234 43 441 232 156
Grosser Kurfürst
- 61 0 6 40 21 34 Destroyers 1
Cruisers 6
Battleships 4
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
ille_1970 Midshipman 2 735 45.01% 458 17 949 128 462
30 14 0 0 0 3 7 Destroyers 0
Cruisers 1
Battleships 0
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
LordUllrich Midshipman 3 634 48.76% 1 025 44 861 232 591
- 41 0 49 43 27 45 Destroyers 4
Cruisers 6
Battleships 3
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
xyzx_1 Commissioned Officer 13 876 49.76% 994 42 663 253 797
- 34 0 39 43 23 37 Destroyers 10
Cruisers 14
Battleships 10
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Gordoffl Midshipman 7 267 47.83% 847 36 208 177 337
30 42 33 38 39 32 40 Destroyers 13
Cruisers 14
Battleships 10
Aircraft carriers 3
Submarines 1
Sturmsucher Commissioned Officer 4 489 45.02% 455 26 944 205 380
- 15 0 17 21 11 16 Destroyers 1
Cruisers 8
Battleships 2
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Sternengarde Commander 2 50% 139 7 369 9 090
- - - - - - -