Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

[R-C-N] ReCoN - Wir gehen vor und schauen mal nach :-) Statistics Compare


Members count 12
Active members count 9
Personal Rating (PR) 1 350
Average Win rate 55.34%
Average Damage 51 726
Clan strength - Total 44
Clan strength - Clan battles 57
Clans leaderboard
Win rate -
Average Damage -
Personal Rating (PR) -
Strength: Total -
Strength: Clan battles -
Hallo Kommandanten, wir sind [ReCoN]. WIr gehen vor und schauen mal nach, was so auf dem Schlachtfeld los ist :-) Wir bestehen aus Spaßspielern . Wenn du eine gut ausgebaute Flotte suchst bist du hier richtig. Interesse geweckt!? Dann schreibe uns InGame an oder melde dich im TS. rcn.teamspeak.de


Clan strength
Cruisers 63
Aircraft carriers 34
Destroyers 51
Battleships 55
Submarines 19
Total 44
Clan battles 57
About strength

Recent transfers

29.12.2024 Sabber
12.09.2024 Shadowofnorth007
12.09.2024 Shadow__2016
12.09.2024 CaptainGutstring
21.06.2024 Recon_Echo


Allies [BV] Black Vengeance
[PINUT] Pinguine mit Nüssen
[NBS] Natural Born Shippers
[NW_DE] Nordwind
Add relationship | Relationships from other clans

X tier warships

Destroyers 126 Cruisers 134
Battleships 106 Aircraft carriers 32
Submarines 8


Clan strength
Personal Rating (PR)
Win rate


Player Role Battles Win rate PR Avg. damage Max. damage Rank Strength
Clan battles
X tier warships
Ketzstar Commissioned Officer 7 107 56.89% 1 723 64 933 290 805
18 92 73 69 76 77 80 Destroyers 12
Cruisers 18
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 6
Submarines 3
BigTombo Commissioned Officer 1 433 45.64% 334 23 411 137 118
30 18 0 0 14 6 9 Destroyers 0
Cruisers 4
Battleships 5
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
DerAl_ Recruiter 27 794 60.8% 1 996 66 586 323 386
30 93 66 93 77 66 92 Destroyers 22
Cruisers 22
Battleships 18
Aircraft carriers 4
Submarines 0
Belustigungspanda Commissioned Officer 12 174 59% 1 749 57 702 254 662
30 81 50 65 82 68 74 Destroyers 7
Cruisers 11
Battleships 9
Aircraft carriers 6
Submarines 3
ShadowKing_74 Commissioned Officer 4 932 57.1% 1 177 45 478 193 816
Massachusetts B
30 47 0 0 57 21 26 Destroyers 0
Cruisers 1
Battleships 2
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Paji Commissioned Officer 4 549 53.53% 1 244 48 293 265 992
30 51 54 72 55 46 61 Destroyers 8
Cruisers 10
Battleships 10
Aircraft carriers 3
Submarines 0
jocke0000 Commissioned Officer 10 937 55.79% 1 651 58 570 276 556
30 69 37 67 79 61 69 Destroyers 11
Cruisers 12
Battleships 11
Aircraft carriers 1
Submarines 1
Arvid____ Midshipman 12 843 62.86% 2 003 76 615 429 554
20 100 89 92 91 74 96 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 21
Battleships 14
Aircraft carriers 3
Submarines 0
Recon_Echo_Six Commander 1 041 52.16% 1 099 53 916 256 661
30 37 12 25 40 23 32 Destroyers 17
Cruisers 17
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 4
Submarines 0
JAPHET_2015 Commissioned Officer 16 724 51.04% 937 38 516 224 865
Grosser Kurfürst
30 28 0 26 39 19 28 Destroyers 5
Cruisers 6
Battleships 10
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Desmiregal Midshipman 2 475 53.82% 940 34 976 219 039
30 41 32 0 47 30 22 Destroyers 0
Cruisers 4
Battleships 3
Aircraft carriers 5
Submarines 1
Yelou4 Recruiter Hidden account