Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

[RARE_] Running Around Really Enthusiastically Statistics Compare


Members count 26
Active members count 23
Personal Rating (PR) 2 289
Average Win rate 63.45%
Average Damage 83 355
Clan strength - Total 78
Clan strength - Clan battles 99
Clans leaderboard
Win rate 7
Average Damage 11
Personal Rating (PR) 4
Strength: Total 8
Strength: Clan battles 6
Our goal is to play competitive together. We are well organized international community and provide clear structures, experienced FCs, many helpful members, TS & Discord, offer a friendly environment but also demand challenging gameplay. For everything else join our Discord!


Generate signature
Clan strength
Cruisers 99
Aircraft carriers 59
Destroyers 100
Battleships 91
Submarines 43
Total 78
Clan battles 99
About strength

Recent transfers

21.01.2025 MATTELORD99
18.01.2025 Atricks
15.01.2025 Oca_y_Hoca
06.01.2025 GesGT
20.12.2024 Oca_y_Hoca


Allies [UNJOY] Not Funny!
Add relationship | Relationships from other clans

X tier warships

Destroyers 453 Cruisers 540
Battleships 360 Aircraft carriers 88
Submarines 32


Clan strength
Personal Rating (PR)
Win rate


Player Role Battles Win rate PR Avg. damage Max. damage Rank Strength
Clan battles
X tier warships
DerQMETH Midshipman 12 158 55.69% 1 595 69 555 340 801
29 87 62 82 77 69 84 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 23
Battleships 22
Aircraft carriers 9
Submarines 1
MKYBIZ Midshipman 13 791 61.29% 1 913 76 327 332 459
30 100 90 100 92 95 99 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 31
Battleships 18
Aircraft carriers 7
Submarines 5
Thomyatberlin Recruiter 18 589 61.07% 1 860 80 504 326 898
30 100 90 100 95 97 100 Destroyers 28
Cruisers 34
Battleships 24
Aircraft carriers 8
Submarines 4
Zensei_ Executive Officer 5 814 67.46% 2 427 104 996 333 808
30 100 84 100 100 87 100 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 26
Battleships 22
Aircraft carriers 6
Submarines 1
ibims315 Midshipman 6 123 62.34% 2 394 89 449 365 593
20 100 98 100 98 79 100 Destroyers 22
Cruisers 22
Battleships 15
Aircraft carriers 3
Submarines 0
Devstrike_Me_Daddy Midshipman 7 692 61.71% 2 084 102 154 422 985
30 100 76 100 100 93 100 Destroyers 23
Cruisers 27
Battleships 24
Aircraft carriers 6
Submarines 3
WarLordjr Midshipman 3 020 61.32% 1 842 74 409 327 482
16 78 78 87 90 67 83 Destroyers 8
Cruisers 7
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 2
Submarines 0
Marc_Anton Commissioned Officer 20 947 64.11% 2 116 64 591 327 666
19 96 0 100 58 51 95 Destroyers 29
Cruisers 28
Battleships 5
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
scarf_2 Commissioned Officer 8 676 61.25% 1 971 91 501 401 373
30 100 0 100 100 60 100 Destroyers 19
Cruisers 27
Battleships 21
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
stick_FK Midshipman 1 938 61.51% 2 107 82 154 291 662
30 100 0 100 63 53 98 Destroyers 6
Cruisers 13
Battleships 1
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
CorpusAurea Midshipman 15 466 62.46% 2 221 97 541 441 555
30 100 92 100 100 97 100 Destroyers 23
Cruisers 31
Battleships 20
Aircraft carriers 5
Submarines 3
_S0ME0NE Commander 23 338 65.43% 1 847 81 598 408 566
22 100 90 100 82 94 99 Destroyers 28
Cruisers 36
Battleships 21
Aircraft carriers 10
Submarines 4
Atricks Midshipman 5 932 62.26% 2 199 79 907 341 745
30 100 98 100 77 95 98 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 23
Battleships 15
Aircraft carriers 10
Submarines 5
_Minime_GWHAT Commissioned Officer 72 69.44% 5 199 61 962 169 904
- - - - - - -
Xrushch Midshipman 5 056 62.56% 2 310 77 817 297 145
Gouden Leeuw
20 100 0 100 87 57 99 Destroyers 8
Cruisers 15
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
arquata2019_ Executive Officer 12 312 61.9% 2 160 87 602 348 649
30 100 100 100 98 80 100 Destroyers 15
Cruisers 12
Battleships 8
Aircraft carriers 5
Submarines 0
WgPlsBuffStVincent Commissioned Officer 138 70.29% 2 916 63 601 195 104
- - - - - - -
s0n1a_ Midshipman 1 992 63.3% 2 193 102 203 308 702
30 95 87 100 92 87 97 Destroyers 14
Cruisers 17
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 7
Submarines 1
ItsQuandaleDingleHere Midshipman 5 656 60.52% 1 756 68 193 280 700
8 100 69 100 85 71 99 Destroyers 22
Cruisers 29
Battleships 11
Aircraft carriers 2
Submarines 0
Rijssie Midshipman 7 952 62.14% 1 973 74 585 312 715
29 100 0 100 81 56 99 Destroyers 24
Cruisers 27
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
La__Discoteka Midshipman 11 730 61.99% 1 956 78 542 332 603
30 94 0 100 97 58 97 Destroyers 12
Cruisers 20
Battleships 20
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
_S0ME Executive Officer 202 91.09% 7 625 76 887 175 753
- - - - - - -
Jum13 Line Officer 16 692 64.47% 2 067 73 824 328 834
17 100 50 100 94 83 100 Destroyers 24
Cruisers 21
Battleships 17
Aircraft carriers 2
Submarines 3
Dont_Give_A_Ship Commissioned Officer 17 374 67.12% 2 192 89 016 370 617
30 100 0 100 84 57 99 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 12
Battleships 11
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Scorpionfly12 Commissioned Officer 9 699 58.43% 1 977 89 352 346 528
30 100 70 100 89 85 99 Destroyers 20
Cruisers 30
Battleships 15
Aircraft carriers 1
Submarines 1
Glamdring_UA Midshipman 13 329 61.41% 2 139 87 829 363 102
30 100 79 100 99 85 100 Destroyers 23
Cruisers 29
Battleships 22
Aircraft carriers 5
Submarines 1