Wargaming did it again. With recent update some historical data for removed warships has been deleted. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at the moment. The data for periods will repair itself. 😢😢😢

[AA0] Against all 0dds Statistics Compare


Members count 17
Active members count 16
Personal Rating (PR) 2 033
Average Win rate 63.33%
Average Damage 81 235
Clan strength - Total 78
Clan strength - Clan battles 95
Clans leaderboard
Win rate 8
Average Damage 15
Personal Rating (PR) 11
Strength: Total 6
Strength: Clan battles 15
Against All Odds [AAO] is an international community with a focus on clan battles and tournaments. We value a competitive, yet friendly and non-toxic environment and are always looking for exceptionally skilled players who compete for the win, not for the drama. Sounds interesting? Feel free to drop by and contact us on our Discord. (Applications only via Discord)


Clan strength
Cruisers 98
Aircraft carriers 63
Destroyers 93
Battleships 93
Submarines 43
Total 78
Clan battles 95
About strength

Recent transfers

04.02.2025 where_salt
03.02.2025 _xradoxx
17.01.2025 lex28404
15.01.2025 Maximoto33
26.12.2024 UItrashot


Community [AAO] Against All Odds
Add relationship | Relationships from other clans

X tier warships

Destroyers 278 Cruisers 375
Battleships 273 Aircraft carriers 68
Submarines 25


Clan strength
Personal Rating (PR)
Win rate


Player Role Battles Win rate PR Avg. damage Max. damage Rank Strength
Clan battles
X tier warships
iliazarus Recruiter 2 245 66.24% 2 543 116 110 388 959
30 100 0 100 100 80 100 Destroyers 6
Cruisers 11
Battleships 4
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 1
OM40 Recruiter 22 106 65.43% 2 025 83 235 341 489
30 100 97 100 95 78 100 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 29
Battleships 19
Aircraft carriers 4
Submarines 0
Maximoto33 Recruiter 5 806 64.05% 1 955 88 523 342 279
30 100 72 87 100 72 94 Destroyers 7
Cruisers 14
Battleships 19
Aircraft carriers 1
Submarines 0
LazyFakka Executive Officer 5 469 63.63% 1 851 87 098 332 578
28 96 0 75 92 53 86 Destroyers 6
Cruisers 13
Battleships 19
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0
Yamete_Oneesama Commander 9 375 65.1% 1 879 68 610 318 148
30 100 79 99 93 74 99 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 25
Battleships 16
Aircraft carriers 5
Submarines 0
Illuvatar7 Recruiter 16 429 62.37% 1 977 69 356 329 249
18 100 84 100 91 83 99 Destroyers 16
Cruisers 19
Battleships 14
Aircraft carriers 3
Submarines 2
YouCorn Recruiter 4 001 65.41% 2 607 104 078 311 777
30 100 100 100 95 79 100 Destroyers 15
Cruisers 18
Battleships 11
Aircraft carriers 8
Submarines 0
SwordshadowCrash Recruiter 7 194 60.86% 1 839 76 838 334 790
Admiral Nakhimov
11 91 90 87 89 71 89 Destroyers 9
Cruisers 18
Battleships 19
Aircraft carriers 6
Submarines 0
soulredemption Recruiter 17 789 63.21% 2 214 83 989 373 084
3 100 0 100 100 80 100 Destroyers 25
Cruisers 28
Battleships 22
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 5
IIDX Recruiter 18 226 65.89% 2 348 77 213 340 924
30 100 89 100 96 97 100 Destroyers 25
Cruisers 31
Battleships 16
Aircraft carriers 6
Submarines 6
FafnerSaltyDragon Recruiter 9 754 57.35% 1 536 75 446 345 035
30 100 96 98 93 77 99 Destroyers 21
Cruisers 25
Battleships 27
Aircraft carriers 9
Submarines 0
rnat Recruiter 17 594 63.21% 2 010 67 434 312 983
Grosser Kurfürst
30 100 96 100 92 78 99 Destroyers 16
Cruisers 20
Battleships 12
Aircraft carriers 5
Submarines 0
MalK4 Recruiter 7 916 56.78% 1 888 74 808 356 564
1 93 38 100 89 84 96 Destroyers 11
Cruisers 15
Battleships 7
Aircraft carriers 1
Submarines 1
Metafalica Recruiter 15 735 67.38% 2 157 77 964 363 071
29 99 100 94 82 95 96 Destroyers 22
Cruisers 27
Battleships 16
Aircraft carriers 9
Submarines 5
Vr4m_ Recruiter 15 151 64.18% 2 136 89 468 370 927
18 100 100 100 100 100 100 Destroyers 22
Cruisers 28
Battleships 26
Aircraft carriers 9
Submarines 5
lex28404 Midshipman 10 244 62.71% 1 817 62 095 291 672
16 98 81 64 84 65 81 Destroyers 9
Cruisers 31
Battleships 10
Aircraft carriers 2
Submarines 0
Iustusian Recruiter 8 861 62.81% 1 777 78 729 335 494
Jean Bart
30 100 0 91 87 56 95 Destroyers 26
Cruisers 23
Battleships 16
Aircraft carriers 0
Submarines 0